
Curse interviews Omen creator

Curse has a great interview up with Antiarc, creator of that Omen threat addon that you raiders like so much. He talks about how he got started in WoW addons (with this crazy awesome Zelda UI), dealing with WoW 2.0, and the big differences between KTM and Omen.

It's a good read-- Antiarc seems like a smart guy who not only knows the ins and outs of the UI system, but knows how to bring them to our screens elegantly and simply. He's also really positive, which is great-- even though Blizzard said at BlizzCon that they're thinking about building a threatmeter into the UI, Antiarc doesn't see it as a "threat" (pun intended)-- instead, he's excited that Blizzard is acknowledging how useful threatmeters are, and that hopefully Blizzard will include API hooks into anything they release.

Very good read, whether you're just an Omen user, or someone actively developing addons for WoW.