
Tourist Trophy provides surprising origins for "dress"

Sony's admittedly-lackluster TGS keynote provided little on the newly announced "dress" expansion for the now-delayed Home service. While the name doesn't lend itself to a very masculine image, it actually comes from a very surprising place. According to IGN, PS2 racer Tourist Trophy sparked the origins of the project: "The product came about from Tourist Trophy's riding wear coordination system, where players could dress their virtual biker counterparts in branded riding gear."

"dress" will take advantage of a unique avatar system that operates separately from the regular Home interface. Sony will be working with real-world fashion brands to provide your virtual avatar access to the latest fashions in Dress Town, which is supposed to recreate the feel of buying clothes in a real-world store (yay?). Of course, should your creative spark hit, you can create your own designs through Dress Studio.

It's not something that will grab the attention of the hardcore gamer. However, it appears that Sony's also attempting to widen its appeal to a typically non-gaming audience through this Home expansion. Maybe we'll see some other ideas hit Home in the future -- for example, a "Predator" mod that turns Home into a massive PvP battlefield?

[Thanks, Kspraydad!]