
This Week in HD DVD: Re-issued edition

This week's HD DVD excitement is plentiful in shear numbers, but not so much in terms of "newness". You see, this week Warner studios decided to re-issue a bunch of their previous HD DVD releases which are already available on store shelves. No, there wasn't anything wrong with the previous versions and no they didn't add anything new to the HD DVDs, it's just that the previous versions were the more expensive combo-HD DVD. So, this week they decided to re-release those combo format HD DVDs and make them plain Jane HD DVDs, thus making them a tad bit cheaper. Exciting no? But don't fret new content HD DVD purchasers, because there is goodness in the form of Top Gun this week and who can honestly say that they don't like Top Gun? Full list of new (and re-issued) HD DVDs is lovingly listed below.