
DarkLite bar: bright, but pricey

A while back, you may recall we hailed in the new Messiah peripherals for the PS3, notably a strange light bar that snapped onto the rear of your console to give the wall behind it a sexy glow. The reviews of this peripheral are in and the verdict? The DarkLite bar is aesthetically pleasing, easy to tack on, and pretty cool. What hampers this puppy is the price.

The six stages of brightness are appealing (and probably explains the necessity for an extra AC adaptor), especially viewing the highest degree of illumination -- that thing gets bright. If you're using HDMI, it doesn't get in the way at all, but if you're using standard A/V cables, you'll have to go through the little doodad that comes with the DarkLite bar. It's annoying, but not a real issue. But for $30? It doesn't do anything, really, so for that price, we couldn't recommend this. Unless you really want to pimp your sexy console.