
Carcassonne and Soltrio get expandified

Brand new on the Xbox Live Marketplace are two new expansions for XBLA games Carcassonne and Soltrio Solitaire that should help the longevity of the titles, albeit for a price. For 300 Microsoft points you can get the new King & Baron Expansion Pack for Carcassonne which will add seven new tiles to the game including the king and robber tiles thus adding an extra layer of strategy to all your Carcassonne fun. Soltrio Solitaire is getting its ninth expansion today (a little overkill, no?) and for 150 Microsoft points it adds ten new card games including Pyramid, Fourteen Out and Block Ten. Both expansions are available for purchase right now in their respectively offered territories, so spend your cash and expand away.

[Thanks, Jonah Falcon]