
Local news station is late to the Manhunt 2 debate

We loving seeing local news stations try to cover gaming news, because their coverage is almost always based on misinformation. Seriously, who does the research for these folk? Certainly not someone capable and unbiased, that's for sure.

And while it's easy to write off this latest piece from New York City-based ABC 7, at least they aren't being particularly negative about the control scheme in the Wii version of Manhunt 2. In fact, based on their on-the-street interviews, it would seem most gamers look at the control scheme as being a positive aspect of the title, allowing the player to become more immersed in the game's world. Considering how easy it would be for ABC 7 to just say this is a murder training simulation, we'll just be thankful that at least some section of the report was devoted to arguing for the game.

See also:Rockstar's M-rated Wii console