
Croal goes on CNN to discuss Manhunt 2

Newsweek's N'Gai Croal recently appeared on the CNN program American Morning to discuss all of this business about Manhunt 2 and its gruesome acts of violence. What is most odd, Croal reports, is that the interviewer (Kiran Chetry) was reasonable and didn't have "an ax to grind." She instead asked Croal a series of reasonable questions.

Of course, she still brought up the whole "kids acting out murder" thing. Croal, however, brought up the common sense argument, stating that the game is rated "M" for mature, and isn't designed for children. Of couse, some kids are still going to get their hands on it, but he believes (just like many other sane individuals) that it is up to the parents to keep their kids away from material that isn't appropriate for them.