
BWii blowout

Finally, Wii owners are about to have lots of opportunities to take their game online, and one of those chances comes with Battalion Wars 2, better known as BWii. Lots of media and hands-on impressions on the strategic sequel to the GameCube title surfaced after last week's event, and we've helpfully collected some of here it for you. In our gallery, we've got updated screens and artwork, as well as a gameplay video after the jump.

But what we're sure you really want to know is: how's the game? Well, we can tell you what we know, but unfortunately, that's not as much as we'd like. It looks like everyone was limited to an extremely brief slice of gameplay when they got to go hands-on with the title, but so far, all outlets seem to be reporting good results. The controls are easy to pick up and seem precise, with the nunchuk controlling movement and the D-pad serving as unit selection. As expected, players aim with their current unit via the remote. To win, all you have to do is destroy more units than your opponent by the end of the round, and you can offer up a rematch to anyone who gives good game. Sounds solid so far, but this close to release, we wish Nintendo had revealed a little more.


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