
New Wii boxes trumpet Wii Sports, hide jackets

A GoNintendo reader who is either a retail employee or a delivery truck robber snapped this picture of the box for the new jacket-included Wii package. On the front, it looks exactly like the old Wii box, which is somewhat of a surprise. Since Nintendo wants so badly for us to use the jackets, we assumed that every Nintendo promotional photo would show a jacketed Wiimote. Nintendo seems to have recognized the importance of their iconic Wiimote design, and put it over the potential danger of suggesting that a Wiimote could ever be used sans jacket.

Speaking of iconic, the back of the box (well, we guess it's the back) has been refocused, removing the Wiimote picture (which is, in fact, already totally covered on the other side) and replacing it with a Wii Sports logo and some little screenshots in circles. Just to make sure that everyone knows that Wii Sports is in there. Could this be a precursor to future Wii packages that reflect different included games in their package designs? Probably not-- this is just Nintendo making sure the Wii Sports presence on the package is as big as possible (while still counting as minimalist).