
Nintendo of Europe promotes their product to Brits and jealous bloggers

Before you guys in the U.S. (like us) get too excited, by "here", the ad means "the U.K." Nintendo sent out these e-mail advertisements for the new, shiny Metallic Silver DS Lite, reminding European shiny-stuff fans that their DS has arrived. "Effortlessly stylish," the ad copy reads, "the DS Lite Silver is just one more good reason to join the 14 million other people across Europe who have already got their hands on a Nintendo DS."

Depending on your geographical location, your current DS Lite ownership status, and your color preferences, this email could be a welcome blip in your inbox. But we have to wonder-- who that isn't already enough of a Nintendo fan to possess a DS would be on their mailing list? The ad copy sounds like it's aimed at new DS gamers and not upgraders.

Check after the break for the whole ad image.

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