
Working from home isn't the same with portals

Oh Gamerscore Blog. Is there anything they won't do? The Microsoft community guys posted this video, poking fun at their newest crew member Nelson "Achievement Junkie" Rodriguez. Perhaps you find yourself staring at your office wall -- or worse, your cubicle wall -- and wishing you could work from home (if you've gotten that far, you probably wish you didn't have to work at all, but that goes counter to this post, so roll with it, okay?). That sounds great in theory, but with the advent of portals, working from home takes on horrifying new properties. And you thought it was bad having to give your boss your phone number.

Is this clip a thinly veiled comment on the whole Xbox 360 Arcade thing? We submit that it is. After all, we've already seen it. It's right there.

[Via Joystiq]