
Oneechanbara R is sensual, blustery

The Oneechanbara series falls under the category of "wacky" for a number of reasons. First, and most obvious, is the impracticality of swordfighting zombies and monsters wearing only a bikini. We would want more protection if we were going to carry around a big sword, much less approach the undead. Second, an important part of the game is sword maintenance. You have to keep it clean or it will move more slowly and even get stuck in enemies.

And in the Wii version, as in others, large combos are rewarded with words of encouragement like "Sensual!" and "Bluster!" Doesn't that make you want to slash some stuff? Unfortunately, Oneechanbara-R seems to suffer from some nasty dithering effects in these screenshots, but we're hoping that the old "looks better in motion" chestnut turns out to be true for this. We'd so like an action game on the Wii.