
Arcade-In-A-Box releases arcade stick for 360

If you have ever complained about the Xbox 360 controller's d-pad or have been bothered by the fact that you can't get that arcade controller "feel" on your 360, then Arcade-In-A-Box might have a solution for you. That is if your disposable income is rather plentiful.

Arcade-In-A-Box's new Xbox 360 Arcade Stick just released yesterday and with the bare bones version commanding a $149 price tag, it's quite the investment. But don't let the hefty price tag scare you off completely, this piece of peripheral work is made to last, highly customizable and "should" give you an edge in any XBLA or fighting game. Convinced and feeling like you can spend more? Then we suggest going for the dual stick controller, so you and your friends can throw down arcade stick style. And at $299, why not? (We'll take two.) In all seriousness, this joystick peripheral from Arcade-In-A-Box looks very professional, well made and will make certain games a lot more enjoyable. You'll just have to weigh the pros and cons, because this is one big financial undertaking that may leave you sleeping on the couch for a few weeks.

[Via Ninja Entertainment Network]