
'Zero Punctuation' covers Super Paper Mario, gives us lulz

If you've been around the internets, you might have heard of a fellow named Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. If not, we can assure you that you're missing out.

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing Mr. Croshaw, let us explain. Every week he does a video game review for The Escapist aptly titled "Zero Punctuation," since he never seems to take a breath between words and sentences.

So, why did we wait so long to bring this joy to you? Well, because "Yahtzee" did his first review of a Wii game, huzzah! That's right, folks, we bring to you a "Yahtzee" review of Super Paper Mario. Even when he's being downright mean (er, all the time), we have to love him because he makes us laugh in the process.

Now that we've built up this video so much that it won't meet your expectations (oops), watch away! But fair warning: Mr. Croshaw's potty mouth and vulgarities make this video slightly NSFW.