
Challenge Jimmy Eat World to a game of Halo 3

Following in the footsteps of both Fall Out Boy and developer Valve, musical group Jimmy Eat World is ready and willing to log onto Xbox Live and get their game on. This Saturday, October 27th from 1-3:00PM eastern, Jimmy Eat World will be hopping on Xbox Live to play a few hours of Halo 3 with their fans (and enemies) as part of the sponsored Game with Fame tradition. So, if you're all about pwning Jimmy and his edible world, simply send a friend request or message to gamertags "JimmyEatWorld_J", "JimmyEatWorld_T", "JimmyEatWorld_R" or "zlind76". Then, come Saturday, be ready to game with the musical fame that is Jimmy Eat World and prove once and for all that just because a person can eat the world, it doesn't mean they're good at Halo 3.