
Adobe updates CS3 Leopard compatibility info

There was some doubt about Adobe products working with Leopard prior to launch, which caused no end of consternation among the designoscenti -- to upgrade or not to upgrade? Fortunately Adobe has released updated info (PDF) on the CS3 suite and Leopard, and the news is mostly good. Most CS3 components will work fine under Leopard, with the exception of some video workflow issues with After Effects/Premiere, and some unspecified problems with Acrobat 8.1. Updates for the video applications are expected in December, and updated versions of Acrobat Pro and Adobe Reader are scheduled for January.

While this is unfortunate for those who depend on Acrobat for PDF workflows (despite the enhanced performance of Preview in 10.5, there are a few things that Acrobat does do better), it's good to know that the workhorse apps Photoshop and Illustrator will behave themselves under Leopard.