
Point-blank shots of the Ghost Squad Zapper bundle

We're not linking to Siliconera's coverage of the Japan-exclusive Ghost Squad Zapper bundle because we're jealous-- after all, with Ghost Squad at $30, we're actually getting a better deal on the Zapper and the game. All we're missing is the huge box, and that's no loss.

But what we do care about (in a professional capacity) are the close-up pictures and details of the Zapper. Spencer Yip opened the thing up and provided detailed pictures of its setup. The process, including opening a panel and coiling the Nunchuk cord inside the compartment, seems well-thought-out and well-designed, with the intention of holding everything in place. However, we can spot two obvious problems.

First, the process appears to take a long time. This may dissuade the more casual players from using the Wii, as it renders the whole thing a lot less pick-up-and-play. Second, use of the Zapper, like the Guitar Hero III controller, necessitates removal of the Wii remote jacket that Nintendo seems so intent on having us all use.

There is actually a third problem, and it's the one that weighs most heavily on us: the gun shell is, disappointingly, not dolphin-shaped.