
Trauma Center Tuesday: new faces, hopefully belonging to people with steady hands

It's Tuesday, and Trauma Center: New Blood isn't out yet, so you know what that means: another Trauma Tuesday update at the game's homepage! Atlus has released a new trailer for the game, highlighting some of the new characters to be found, including ... some surgeon! Another surgeon! And a nurse! Maybe the addition of full voice acting will make us follow the plot more closely, but we doubt it. We just want to perform surgeries on people infected with bizarro alien viruses!

This week's update also brings news about preorder bonuses: if you preorder the game from Atlus's online store, you'll get one of the swanky Trauma Center syringe pens, which even people like us who can make ourselves pass out by thinking of syringes can enjoy. You'll also get (in the words of the press release) "a certificate to (virtually) operate on people!" Finally, a nice diploma to class up your wall.