
Last-minute costume ideas for hard workers

GamePro Family has posted a collection of game-inspired Halloween costumes, in case you'd like to dress up, but just haven't had the time to make a costume until today. Of course, you'd need to spend pretty much the rest of the day making some of these, but at least you won't have to go to a party as "Off-Duty Police Officer" or "Alien in a You Suit." If you start right now, you still have time to go be a huge nerd in public!

Some of the Nintendo-related suggestions include a Rabbid, Phoenix Wright, and (perhaps easiest) Cooking Mama. Unfortunately, the suggestions don't include suggested methods of costume creation. For something like Cooking Mama, it's obvious (apron, bandana, disapproval), but how do you render Paper Mario in clothing? Maybe sandwich yourself between two large foam/posterboard Mario shapes?

[Via Game|Life]