
Tasuke prepares another round of 1500 DS Spirits games

Just three months after the last round of 1500 DS Spirits games, Japanese publisher Tasuke is getting ready to launch another barrage of cheapo games at the Japanese public. It's all the kind of stuff you'd expect from a budget game line, too: Vol. 6 Trump, Vol. 7 Chess, Vol. 8 Darts, and Vol. 9 Futari Uchi Mahjongg (Two-player Mahjongg) are the newest offerings in the line. While we supported Tasuke last time in the battle with D3 over cheap games, we find ourselves feeling that D3's weirder offerings, like driving education and, on the PS2, The Daibijin, make their Simple series line much more interesting overall than Tasuke's vanilla lineup. D3's got that kind of stuff too, but they also have the hilarious games. To Tasuke's credit, the character art (which is shared in all four games) is nice, with shading reminiscent of Falcoon's work on recent King of Fighters games.

We'd like to see this kind of thing in the U.S. regardless of our lack of interest in these specific games. We have cheap games, but we don't really have games that self-identify as cheap.