
Archos 705 gets reviewed: basically a 704

True to form, the crew over at ArchosLounge is first out of the gate with a review of the latest Generation Five player to emerge from Archos' labs, and while our French friends didn't find any major changes from the 704, they did find enough incremental revisions to warrant a big thumbs up. Just like the 704, the 705 features an 800 x 480 7-inch touchscreen in a metal body with a removable battery, but the main update is the Gen Five OS that's now loaded on the unit. According to ArchosLounge, web browsing is no longer "useless" on the built-in Opera browser, the content partnerships and plugin support has been refined, and the whole thing is smoother and sharper than before. Overall it seems like 704 owners aren't really missing out on much, but if you're looking for a versatile PMP with big screen, the 705 seems like a solid option.