
Law school prof recommends Ace Attorney games to students

Enjoyable and quirky as they are, we'd never seriously claim that the Ace Attorney titles are representative of courtroom life in the real world -- that's what Judge Judy's for, right? Which shows how much we know, because Capcom producer Minae Matsukawa says one professor at a Japanese law school advocates his students using the games to assist them in their studies.

Speaking about an encounter at this year's Comic-Con to MTV's Multiplayer blog, Matsukawa recalled how "A gentleman came up to me and said that he was a professor at a law school. He told me that as an educator of lawyers-to-be, he highly recommended the Ace Attorney games to his students."

According to Matsukawa, while Phoenix Wright and friends may not be much use for teaching the finer details of the law system itself, they are pretty handy at relaying "the basic ideas that a lawyer should trust their client, and to expose lies to find the truth."

Nice! So not only is Nintendo's versatile handheld able to instruct us how to tend bar, firm our faces, and generally become acceptable human beings, it can now make ace attorneys of us all.

[Via Kotaku]