
Nintendo's new marketing exec gets the profile treatment

When word hit that Perrin and George (and Beth) were hitting the road, Nintendo quickly found a few good bodies to take their place. Taking over the role of chief marketing officer is Cammie Dunaway, who spent some time with Yahoo! and Frito-Lay. Seeing as how this is her first foray into the gaming industry, we all don't know much about her.

Well, thanks to MediaPost, we're given a bit more information about her. Like how her young son is in love with Pokemon, as she states "I've seen the excitement on my nine-year-old son's (Davis) face when he's playing a Pokemon game on his DS and spots someone else at the airport playing, too. They become instant friends." A marketer through-and-through, eh? Dunaway will be leaving her position at Yahoo! and starting at Nintendo come Monday.

[Via Joystiq]