
Square offers to bring back deleted characters for new expansion

Are you or someone you love a former Final Fantasy XI addict just itching to get back in the game again? No? Well me neither, but Square Enix is offering its services for those looking to fall off the wagon again. They're bringing back the "Return to Vana'diel" campaign, where players who have previously deleted their Content IDs or PlayOnline accounts can have them automagically restored. And wouldn't you know it, they're starting the campaign a scant three weeks before the release of their fourth expansion, Wings of the Goddess. The "Return to Vana'diel" campaign is set to run through the end of February though, so it's no rush.

Personally, when we have enough strength of conviction to delete a game after we unsubscribe, it's usually evidence enough that we don't want to go back. So whether Square Enix is being nice and just offering a service to its former players or whether they're just being dirty rotten enablers hooking in former addicts, is certainly a question open to interpretation.