
Clarifications on EQ2's Bonus XP Sundays

After it was announced that there would be bonus experience on the two Sundays leading up to the EverQuest II expansion Rise of Kunark, it looks as though a few players have been confused about the finer details. A thread surfaced on the game's forums, that kicked off with one unhappy customer stating that the bonus experience was for US servers only. This was quickly cleared up by a community relations representative, along with some other questions that came up later in the thread. Here is a compiled list of the clarifications found in the thread:

  • It is for ALL servers, not region-specific or US only

  • When the clock ticks over, the bonus xp will be in effect -- no need to log out and back in

  • If you already have vitality saved up, the bonus XP stacks with this

  • Because the first bonus day, November 4th, is that day that clocks get turned back for daylight savings, there will actually be 25 hours of bonus on that day. This should apply for servers in all regions too -- from the thread, "everyone will get 25 hours of bonus time since the person turning the time on and off is going to be affected by that time change. I'll leave ya'll to figure that one out"

So there you have it. Everyone gets to take part, and there's even a little bonus hour this Sunday -- better get some rest now so that you can last the full stretch.