
Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball confirmed for XBLA

We couldn't decide whether to fill this post with romanticized pirate flair or fabricated ninja proverbs, so instead we'll just blurt out a balanced "HIYARGH!" and be done with it. The news that spawned this clash of cultures comes straight from Gamecock Media Group, which has announced that Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball will arrive on Xbox Live Arcade in "early 2008."

The game is the first from developer Blazing Lizard, formed earlier this year by three Volition veterans (Red Faction, Freespace, Saint's Row). "It is no secret that Pirates and Ninjas have beef," explains studio director Chris Stockman. "But it turns out both have a great love for dodgeball and unique skills when it comes to playing the game. We are bringing together sworn enemies for what I can guarantee will be explosive dodgeball action." [Warning: Do not read the last sentence! You will regret it!]

We're not shuriken back up those promises yet, but there's avast amount of potential when it comes to this age old stealth-striking, swashbuckling saga.
