
Web Wars: EVE details revealed - all your base belong to Google

The EVE Fan Fest is winding down, and John Galt Games has pulled back the curtain on WebWars: EVE. It's a browser based war game that focuses on conquering and controlling territories, but in this case the territory are websites. The value of a territory (website) depends on how popular that website is. The game is free to play; however, players can purchase WebWars money (isk) with real cold hard cash for faster enhancements that I'm sure will lead to quicker beat downs. If you want to earn isk the hard way, take over websites (grind) earn cash to further advance your fleet (money sink). Every website on the internet is a valid territory and a new battle starts every 10 minutes. I wonder how much WoW Insider and Massively will be worth?

WebWars EVE is being developed by John Galt Games, not CCP and is completely independent of EVE Online. WebWars: EVE does borrow from the EVE Online universe; familiar fiction; ships; etc. but the game is a different beast. You can sign up for the beta here. Another screen shot from inside a station viewable on Trey Ratcliff's personal blog, CEO of John Galt Games. My comments follow the jump:

Honestly, I'm not as excited about this now that I know exactly what it is. I definitely don't dig the whole RMT (real money trade) thing, but this is standard fare already in lots of web based games and is becoming more prevalent in traditional MMOGs. It's already rampant in MMORPGs based in South Korea and China. If you check the screenshot inside the station there is a subscription button. I am curious what a subscription exactly entails

I told a few of my EVE buddies about WebWars: EVE asking them if they were going to try it and they both hollered that it's not a MMOG and why would they play WebWars: EVE when they are busy playing EVE Online? They make a good point. As for the MMOG debate, I need to play the game before making a decision, I'm already leaning towards it's a MMOG but a web MMOG. We may need to start classifying games like WebWars: EVE as such instead of lumping them in with the traditional MMOGs.

What do you guys think? Are you going to sign up for the WebWars: EVE beta?