
Guild Wars: Remember when?

NCsoft runs a regular feature on the Guild Wars page named "State of the Game." While the name seems to be a tad of a misnomer -- when I think of "State of ..." articles, I expect to hear about the current state and where it's going. The State of the Game articles on the official page are more features about the game. They've got a new one up titled "Remember When?" and is a fun look back at the game's early days.

To be honest, my Guild Wars time really began when Factions came out, but it wasn't until Nightfall's release I really started digging the game. So, my answer to "Remember When?" is, "No, not really." But, it's a fun look at how Guild Wars has evolved. For instance, I didn't know that Balthazar faction was a late add and PvP players had to unlock skills in PvE.

It should be an interesting trip down memory lane for veteran players. What fond memories of Guild Wars do you have that didn't make the list?