
Preparing for 2.3: Guild Banks

Since it's looking hopeful that patch 2.3 will be released within the next couple of weeks, it's probably time to start getting prepared for all the long-awaited features that are being added to the live realms. Aside from Zul'Aman, guild banks are probably the biggest new item coming out with the patch.

While guild leaders will undoubtedly be delighted to delete their bank alts, (some of the guilds I've been in have had as many as five or six,) and will also have to make difficult decisions about which members get access to the loot, I'd like to focus more on the impact upon individual players rather than whole guilds. Most players that have been in Azeroth for awhile probably have a bank alt that's mainly used to store trade goods and sell things on the auction house. In 2.3, according to all reports thus far, it should be possible to set up a one-alt guild so that your bank alt will have access to much more storage space.

If you've never set up a guild on your own, you'll need to head to your local guild master, buy a charter for 10 silver, pick a guild name and then get 9 unwitting dupes other players to sign your charter. While you could probably get current guild members to use unguilded alts to sign your charter, I've found it nearly as easy to head to the closest starting zone outside the main city where your alt is parked (such as Valley of Trials or Northshire) and bribe lowbies for their signature. With either method, it shouldn't take long to get the needed signatures and to get your guild off the ground. After you turn in the charter, you can kick the 9 founders out of the guild, and when the patch goes live, you should have quite a bit more bank space for all your hoarding needs.

What do you think? Are you planning on setting up something like this when the patch comes out? Have any other space-saving tips?