
Vodafone's v1520 WM6 handset goes for endurance

Is it just us, or does this teeny, tiny image bear a striking resemblance to one ASUS P550, a feature-packed Windows Mobile handset that hit the FCC a couple months back? The few specs Vodafone lists on its site for this coming-soon device match up with the aforementioned FCC docs, too, so we'd say it's pretty safe to assume ASUS is the ODM in question here. Anyway, it looks like Voda will be getting this bad boy as the self-branded v1520 -- and while the 3.5 inch screen is pretty hot, the headlining feature seems to be an astounding 12 hours of rated talk time (whether real-world results are anywhere near that remains to be seen). No word on price or drop date yet, but you UK folk keep your ears to the ground, k?

[Via the::unwired and CoolSmartPhone]