
Boom Boom Rocket update adds guitar, dance pad support

Because clearly, a music game simply isn't complete until it can turn mild-mannered button pushers into gyrating vessels of awkwardness. Not that we mind -- we're quite eager to stomp our way through Bizarre Creations' fun rocket-based rhythmer again. In a recent studio update, Bizarre reveals a new Xbox Live Arcade title update for Boom Boom Rocket has made its way through the certification gauntlet, bringing with it the following changes (the most important ones highlighted):

  • Guitar and dance pad peripheral support.

  • Japanese and Korean language support.

  • Tweaked scoring system focusing only on accuracy.

  • The huge loud "noise" which popped up occasionally on endurance mode is now gone.

  • Occurrences of scores getting overwritten with a lower score when playing with 2 profiles signed in is now fixed.

  • Display updates when viewing the game through a VGA cable.

  • Friends leaderboard now shows extra information such as grade, accuracy, etc.

  • Multiplayer endurance mode fix for player colors swapping sporadically.

  • Slightly bigger and better explosions.

Now if we could just get our arthritic hands on some new downloadable songs (actual music this time, please), we'll really see some fireworks.

[Via 1UP]