
'Nintendo by Torrel' clothing now for sale online

The NES-themed collection of shirts, jackets, and hoodies from designer Torrel is no longer just an abstract topic of discussion on blogs. You can now buy the things in the pictures! From a website! On the Internet! Truly an auspicious day for practical applications of previously abstract concepts (where we're defining "t-shirts that you can't buy" as "abstract.")

Well, maybe you can buy them. The t-shirts start at $50. The jackets run $200. Someone would have to be excellently wealthy and also weird to blow $50 on an Urban Champion t-shirt. In fact, we'd like to meet that person, so we can convince him or her to invest in the crazy inventions that we'll make up for the occasion.

We can't help but continue to enjoy the eye-catching NES cartridge shirts. We're warming to some of the others, but the cartridge design is a definite winner. Is it a $50 winner? No, but only because it is currently impossible for such a t-shirt to exist, given our financial situation.