
MetaPlace goes MetaPunk

If you're not familiar with MetaPlace, here's the deal: it's an open platform that allows users to create and share their own casual massively multiplayer games. It's platform-agnostic -- meaning it'll be usable by anyone with access to the web. Oh, and did we mention it's the brainchild of Raph Koster, one of the big names in MMO development, and the guy behind Penny Arcade's hypothetical construction MMO?

MetaPlace is still in alpha testing, but fans of the project are thinking ahead. Check out the brand new official website of MetaPunk, a MetaPlace-based "cyberpunk massively multiplayer online role playing game." It's never too early to start planning for the fun. MetaPlace could be one of the most exciting things on the MMO horizon, so if it's something that sounds even remotely interesting to you, get involved in the community.

[Via Cuppytalk]