
Brigands in the Shire

If you're looking to pad out your deed log (and the traits that go with it) you'll want a steady supply of the appropriate foes. There's no great brigand presence in the Shire, but they're there nonetheless. That extra point on your Justice trait certainly isn't a bad thing.

Your two primary hunting grounds for brigands are in Green Hill Country, in the South-eastern portion of the Shire.

The first is South of the road that runs from Tuckborough to Woodhall. Old Odo's Leaf Farm, is an abandoned farmstead at 33.8S, 68W. You'll find a handful of level 8 and 9 brigands within, and an elite brigand called Big Tom (level 10) on the road. If you see Big Tom, the farm is over the hill to the South of him.

If that isn't enough brigand action for you, follow the road East, over the bridge until you it turns North at the top of a waterfall. Wade South across the stream, just above the falls and climb the opposite hill. That's Narrowcleeve (35.2S, 66.8W), a sizeable brigand encampment with numerous level 10 and 11 brigands - and a handful of half-orcs near the back - but those half-orc brigands won't count towards your deed.