
The opening art of Fury

Fury seems to be getting a drubbing in the game critics press lately; I've just started the 10-day trial, so I'll know for myself how it all pans out, but one of the things that struck me most about starting up was the introductory story sequence. I'm one of those people who finds 'behind the scenes' footage sometimes more interesting than the finished product, so I'm always checking out 'making of' bits in the media.

The artwork on display for the opening intro for Fury looks like the kind of artwork I'm talking about; the rendering is about mood and color, and in the concept art style, where it's not necessarily detail-driven, but has that soft-focus quality that I find far more evocative. Whether or not I find lasting value in gameplay, I appreciated the graphics here so much I wanted to share them with you. Enjoy!
