
Updates for 2.3 already rolling in

In anticipation of the patch, many addons, calculators, and the like are already being updated. Wowhead's talent calulcator, which affected the evolution of Blizz's own calculator, has been adjusted for 2.3 and is now live. While you're waiting for the servers to come back up, why don't you go ahead and play with it?

If you are the type to get your legwork done ahead of time, then don't forget to check the websites for your favorite addons. Curse already has their patch 2.3 portal up, and several have already been made Tuesday-ready.

Gazmik Fizzwidget has also been busy, having already posted updates for his wares. They are not only compatible with the new patch, but have had some spiffy tune-ups. Hunter's Helper has itself a new pet skills database, and AdSpace has new vendor recipes. We also say goodbye to Trackmenu, our beloved and invaluable hunter addon that Blizzard will finally be integrating into the default UI.

Stay tuned for more information on updates for 2.3, as they're bound to be rolling in all week.