
Learn Nodame Cantabile's controls from a person in a mongoose suit

Last time we saw Nodame Cantabile: Dream Orchestra, we speculated that the control scheme would be disappointingly vanilla. We were totally wrong! And here to demonstrate the depths of our wrongness is a person in a mongoose suit (as seen in the anime).Unfortunately, the game doesn't include a mongoose suit, or we'd be confirming Game of the Year right now.

As pantomimed by the mongoose, the game will use a different gestural control method for each instrument. The on-screen display is the same -- notes moving from right to left across the screen -- but the motion required to correctly play those notes differs by instrument. When playing violin, you hold the Nunchuk up, hold the Z button, and wave the Wii Remote back and forth like a bow. When playing piano, you hold both controllers upside down and press the B and Z buttons while shaking the controller (to determine the intensity of the keypress). Timpani and conducting segments use similarly representative controller motions. Check the link for screens of all of these modes in action, and mongoosey demonstrations.

The game will also include, as a preorder gift, a little piano-shaped case, which is just the right size for a Wiimote and Nunchuk. We have suddenly developed an interest in the licensed classical music game! Anime/manga fans: start getting really interested in Nodame Cantabile, please, for our sake.