
Webjimbo 2.0 adds iPhone interface

We've posted on Webjimbo a couple of times before, and now this interesting web-based interface for the snippet manager Yojimbo reaches version 2 and adds an important new feature: an iPhone-specific interface. Basically, Webjimbo turns your Mac into a webserver that allows you to interact with your Yojimbo notes database from across the internet. With the new iPhone interface you can now get full access to your notes from your iPhone or iPod touch. Other new features includes a hosted redirecting service (since most home users have a dynamic IP address) and, of course, Leopard compatibility. If you use Yojimbo and you're willing to run your Mac all the time, this looks like a good way to get around the Notes syncing hole with the iPhone.

Webjimbo 2.0 is $29.95 and a demo is available. The upgrade is free for registered users. There's also a demo site where you can see how it actually works on both the desktop and iPhone.