
One Shots: An impressive view of....?

For today's , we're playing another guessing game. We've borrowed the fascinating image above from Michael Zenke's incredible MMO screenshot collection and we want you to tell us which game it comes from. So speak up! A view this impressive couldn't come from just anywhere.

Update: Jeff, who does seem to know way too much about Guild Wars (specifically, Guild Wars: Eye of the North), chimes in with a comprehensive answer for us:

It's Rata Sum, the main city of the Asuran regions of Tarnished Coast, previously untouched by humans. They made there surface home there have being pushed out by the Great Destroyer's minions. It's originally a lost civilization's city, and the whole area is bursting full of magic energy, so the Asurans thought it was a natural fit for them, being a hyper intelligent magic race.

Do you have a screenshot that you think expresses a memorable moment or an amazing view in your favorite MMO? Send them to us with a description (including game name and location) and you may see it posted here for tomorrow's One Shots.
