
Go hit up a download station, get Ninja Gaiden

Getting out to a download station is hard work. First we have to apply for an exit permit from our cruel overlords at Joystiq, then we have to put on gobs and gobs of sun block (SPF 8,273, because of our incredibly pale skin). As if that weren't enough, there are also dangers to navigate in the wild, such as screaming children and the chupacabra. So, as you can see, it's tough work.

But, you can bet we'll be going through it now that word hits of a new demo on the download station block: Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword. Rumored to be included in a download station near you some time ago, it is now confirmed as reality. As Itagaki fans (and Ninja Gaiden junkies), we're compelled to give the game a download. And we aren't doing it because we want to test it out or anything (we know it'll be great) so that we may come to a decision regarding purchasing the game (we know we'll be buying it). We just need it.

[Via Joystiq]