
WRUP: Avoiding the relatives edition

Yes, it's Friday again, and even though we missed it last week, that means its time for our weekly WRUP feature, in which we ask you, dear readers, what you're playing lately. I have to say that this weekend I'm pretty out of the loop in terms of MMO playing-- I've got the Macbook here at home in St. Louis (while all of my other gaming rigs are up in Chicago), so gaming time will be few and far between, I'm sure. WoW might get a little time, and I may jump on the EVE client (though I have to install it first, and before I left I made sure to set Astrogeology V to training, so I won't need to jump on there for a long time).

But I'm sure we're not all stuck at home with just a laptop to carry us through-- what are you all playing? Anyone take advantage of Black Friday spending to grab a new MMO (like Lord of the Rings Online or Guild Wars-- both only $10 at Best Buy today), or taking the three day weekend to get some good grinding done in the virtual world of your choice?