
Ars Technica defends Nintendo from Greenpeace goose egg

"Say it ain't, so, Mario!" was the cry that went out from green-conscious gamers when they heard that Nintendo had scored a big zilch-o on Greenpeace's guide to the greenest electronics companies. Now, Ars Technica has taken the group to task on the credibility of the guide, reaffirming what all rings of the Nintendo Defense Force have always known: Big N can do no wrong.

Ars writes, "The research in general appears lazy. Nintendo's failing grade appears to be based entirely on this entry in the corporate FAQ, which briefly summarizes some of the steps the company has taken to protect the environment. Anything that's not covered there is simply rated 'No Information.'" While it's possible that Nintendo is as big an offender as Greenpeace says, their rankings would seem to lend no credibility to the claim.

Now, as far as the Wii's shelf pollution ... well, let's just say they should be happy the score stops at zero.

[Via GamePolitics]