
Itagaki expects Ninja Gaiden 2 demo 'at some point'

When Team Ninja's Tomonobu Itagaki tells you Ninja Gaiden II is the greatest action game ever made, he doesn't expect you to take his word for it. No, in today's wondrous online world, he expects you to download the demo and reach that conclusion on your own. Failure to do so, of course, will result in the world's deadliest mammals hurling shurikens through your window and slicing up your special edition copy of Devil May Cry 4.

In a video interview with IGN (embedded after the break), the outspoken designer notes that non-believers can look forward to a demo of Ninja Gaiden II at "some point," though we suspect it might be after the game's Spring 2008 release if the tardy Dead or Alive 4 demo is any indication. Not that we need much convincing, mind you -- the interview's talk of mutilated enemies exclaiming "It's only a flesh wound!" before wrapping themselves around your legs and committing C4 seppuku has us convinced.