
One Shots: Beacon's Perch

Brinstar sends us this shot from Guild Wars: Prophecies along with the story of why this particular location is of interest. For non-GWers, this is Beacon's Perch, an outpost in the Northern Shiverpeak Mountains and the starting point for the Droknar Run. Says Brinstar:

The Droknar Run is the only way to get to the Southern Shiverpeaks, an advanced area in
Guild Wars Prophecies, without first Ascending. Players will pay runners to get them to Droknar's Forge so they can get max level armour available at Droknar's Forge and so they can skip major portions of the game.

Starting to think that One Shots is a Guild Wars-only feature? Well, you have only yourself to blame -- we post your shots and stories, so if you want to see other games, send us your screenshots! Whatever your story is, send it to us at You may see it posted here tomorrow!
