
Turok clips show off multiplayer

It's difficult to watch these recently released multiplayer clips of Turok and be completely satisfied. Sure, what's here looks solid, but the one key omission is so glaringly obvious, we're not even going to mention it. ... What, don't you see it? It's the only thing we can see: None of the players are dinosaurs.

It's a fact that playing as a dinosaur is considered by many experts to be the raddest thing you can do in a video game, short of skydiving into a dynamite factory. In our younger years, we went so far as the pick up the Genesis version of Jurassic Park just so we could experience the thrill of playing as a velociraptor. It's been nearly 15 years since then, and our thirst to rend human flesh with our razor-like teeth and talons still has yet to be slaked. Come on, Touchstone Studios, just think about it. The opportunity is lying right there, like a golden ... thing, just waiting to be picked up and pawned. ... Or is that pwned?