
Palm finally posts Windows Mobile 6 for AT&T's Treo 750

Some ten months after we first saw Treo 750s running Windows Mobile 6, AT&T and Palm have finally dropped an official upgrade today for the carrier's branded units. Turns out that Windows Mobile 6 is just the start with this little gem of an update, though -- you'll also get HSDPA support (yeah, that's right, you've been rocking plain ol' UMTS up until now), access to AT&T Cellular Video, functional Voice Command while using a Bluetooth headset, device charging via USB, and the list goes on. Head on over to Palm's site to kick off the download, and naturally, be sure to let us know how it goes.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

Update: Aaaand there we are with the problems. Fortunately, we're not (yet) hearing about bricked phones, just upset customers who are being blocked from downloading the updater, thanks to Palm's janky serial-checking tool. Way to go, Palm, we're sending air kisses your way. Thanks, Zack.

Update 2: Palm says that the serial number issues that plagued some of the first few folks to try to grab the update have now been resolved, so if you haven't updated yet, have a go at it, will ya? Thanks, Paul!