
Xbox 360 HD DVD player now on sale for $129

Holy cheap, cheap, cheap Xbox 360 HD DVD player Major Nelson! Late in the day yesterday, eagle-eyed consumers spotted the HD DVD player online for $129, which is $50 cheaper than the $179 MSRP. The $129 price tag was seen at, but the price has since jumped back to its $179 levels. Lame. Though, there is still some good news. Toys R Us is filling in where left off by offering the Xbox 360 HD DVD player for $129 and it's available (in-store) right now! And you get five freemovies too! You should jump on this holiday deal ASAP before it goes away ... wait a moment. Is this really a holiday deal or is it simply a foreshadowing of an impending Microsoft okayed HD DVD player price drop that's coming down the pipes? Hmmm ...

[Via Engadget, Thanks Wes]