
Havok refresh on Second Life beta grid

Sidewinder Linden reports that the Second Life beta grid (Aditi) has been updated with a new version of the Havok 4.6 adapter code, ready for a weekend beta test.

We're also told that Linden Lab have been using this code on their company-use simulators (which probably means that it's running on a selected few main grid sims that we normally can't see or access). We wonder if Linden Lab works simulator physics as hard as the day-to-day usage that it gets from users.

Fixes this release include:

  • DEV-6505 Assisted flight is now consistent through region crossings (script actions are now correctly re-added after region crossing)

  • DEV-6985 Grass is now set to the right collision group

  • DEV-7044 Modified rigid body ("physics shape") of trees to be tall and thin, to enable easier debugging (They are part of a no-collision group, so they don't collide in-world - this is just a debugging aid change)

  • DEV-7085 Trees are now created consistently and displayed consistently before simstate reload (previously trees may not have displayed correctly until the simstate was reloaded and the simulator restarted)

  • DEV-7152 Avatar is now positioned correctly when standing up from a low box or seat