
Making light of the bootini incident

Who was it that said "comedy equals tragedy plus time"? Apparently enough time has passed since EVE's "bootini incident" (at least that's what I'd prefer to call it) that people are finally starting to have a sense of humor about the fact that CCP accidentally may have ruined their OS installations. The forums are filling with jokes (I especially like the fake killmail-- "corp: Microsoft; destroyed: boot.ini"), stories, poetry, ("A fast screen of pain is all he sees, / No boot.ini on XP for he"), and even a Goonswarm-photoshopped card for the EVE CCG. Funny stuff.

The discussion isn't all good-natured-- some folks are trying to demand "compensation" (some in actual cash, and some in the more likely extra game-time), while many people are saying that to not expect bugs, even this big, on patch day is just wishful thinking.

At any rate, the issue has been fixed at this point-- no one who updates after this will have the problem, and the only question that remains is what CCP will do, if anything, for those affected. And Trinity's patching will stand as a warning for other MMOs-- on every big patch day, remember bootini!