
The Daily Grind: We don't all live in our parents' basements. Really.

"Moooooooom! Hot Pockets!" Let's face it. We gamers, as a group, like to make fun of ourselves; to blunt things with humor. In our cases, it helps to soften the blow when our respective famililies ask if we've gotten real jobs yet or if we're still writing about video games. But no matter where you go or what most do for a living, we do it time and time again. While we like to laugh with the best of them, sometimes the stereotypes are just too stupid to be believed; especially when the sensationalist news media gets a hold of gaming in combination with the raving nutter of the day.

In that spirit, our question this morning is this -- has gamer stereotyping ever bitten you before? Do you just dismiss the ignorant people, or do you try to educate your non-gamer friends and acquaintances? (On the flip side, are you one of the lucky few who has pretty well purely geek circles and never have to deal with it?) Do you think the media goes too far in attempting to portray gamers as something they're not -- or it it just a matter of time before the Jack Thompsons of the world get smacked with the reality-hammer and gamers get a fair break?